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时间:2024-08-11 19:41来源: 作者:admin 点击: 31 次



中医药学包含着中国几千年的健康养生理念及其实践经验,是中华文明的瑰宝,不仅为中国的繁衍昌盛作出了卓越贡献,也对世界文明进步产生了积极影响。当前,人类社会发展已取得重大进步,但是人类健康受到诸多影响,卫生问题仍是全球性挑战。在应对公共卫生突发事件中,中医药积极参与,不断发挥特色优势,获得国际认可。为推动中医药学振兴发展开创新局面,为促进人类健康、改善全球卫生治理作出更大贡献,实现人人享有健康的美好愿景,特制定本规划。一、规划背景目前,中医药已经传播至196个国家与地区,全球接受过中医药、针灸、推拿或气功治疗的人数已达世界总人口的三分之一以上。据世界卫生组织统计,113个会员国认可使用针灸,其中29个国家设立了相关法律法规,20个国家将针灸纳入医疗保险体系,部分国家健康保险体系覆盖其他中医药疗法。海外建立的中医医疗机构达8万多家,各类中医药从业人员约有30万。中药已在俄罗斯、古巴、泰国、越南、新加坡、阿联酋和菲律宾等国以药品形式注册。组织建设进一步完善。 世界中医药学会联合会(以下简称“世界中联”)在理事会、监事会的领导下,组织建设体系完善,队伍不断发展壮大,吸收了覆盖全球72个国家和地区的277个团体会员,成立了涵盖中医各学科领域的204个分支机构,已经成为国际上组织规模最大,最具影响力和权威性的中医药国际学术组织。学术引领进一步增强。 世界中联打造以世界中医药大会及夏季峰会、五大洲区域论坛和分支机构学术会议为主的三级学术会议平台,已经形成了国际会议品牌效应,进一步扩大了国际间的学术交流,年度会议覆盖逾60个国家和地区,供上万名中医药人进行经验交流和技术展示;尤其在新冠疫情期间举办的院士级别高峰论坛受到广泛社会关注。人才培养进一步加强。 人才是实现中医药国际化发展的执行者。世界中联一直把人才教育作为中医药传承和创新的基础工程。推动团体会员在全球建立了各类中医药教育培训机构,组织制定发布了相关教育标准和人才管理标准,开展国际培训、水平考试和职称考评工作,形成国际中医药专业技术职称框架和国际培训体系。截至目前,已有来自40多个国家的5000多中医药专业技术人员参加了水平考试。27个国家和地区的近200人获得了高级技术职称。标准化建设取得成果。 世界中联已制定和发布各类中医药标准100多部,其中国际组织标准70部,涉及基础术语、人才、教育、医疗、科研等方面。《中医基本名词术语中英对照国际标准》发布后,已经有95个国家的行业机构签名采用。《中医基本名词术语中法对照国际标准》得到了法国国家药品食品检察署和巴黎国立医院总部的认可。《世界中医学本科(CMD前)教育标准》发行后,新西兰、澳大利亚、越南、马来西亚等国家的一些中医院校表示将参照标准的要求办学。中医药科研工作取得进展。 中医针灸科学原理、艾滋病治疗、中药活性成分提取及质量检测、中医药新产品研制等已经成为国际科技重大创新的目标。屠呦呦荣获2015年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,《国际疾病分类第十一次修订本(ICD-11)》首次纳入起源于中医药的传统医学章节,中医药国际科研水平正与日俱增。据统计,全球每年发表的中医药SCI收录的期刊论文多达8500余篇,中医药核心竞争力不断增强,体现了中医药在世界医学发展中的作用。由世界中联创刊的《世界中医药》杂志目前多语种发行于全球60多个国家和90多个大使馆,世界中联官网和各媒体号以每年近千篇的新闻报道量,为海内外提供最前沿信息。中医药服务贸易逐步开展。 仅2020年中国中医药大健康产业规模就已超3万亿元人 民币,大健康产业被公认为是全球最大的产业之一。世界中联已成功举办四届国际中医药大健康博览会,每届6000余家海内外展商参展,覆盖50多个国家地区;在中国国际服务贸易交易会上举办三届中医药国际健康旅游发展论坛和一届国际康养旅游高峰论坛;开展了“一带一路 民心相通—中医中药世界行”活动,搭建了国际中医药健康旅游服务平台;建设了中国-法国中医药中心(塞纳),推动了中医药在欧洲的发展。中医药文化受到世界关注。 当前,中医针灸、太极拳、藏医药浴法列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录,《黄帝内经》和《本草纲目》入选世界记忆名录。2018年世界中联向全球发布《罗马宣言》,确定了每年的10月11日为“世界中医药日”,体现了全世界重视和发展中医药的趋势,反映了全球中医药人的共同心声。中医药文化已逐渐成为国际流行新趋势。国际组织合作进一步提升。 世界中联已经是世界卫生组织(WHO)非政府组织正式成员,定期参加世界卫生大会、世卫组织执委会工作会议及区域会议;是联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)非物质文化遗产保护咨询机构,是中医药界唯一代表,在藏医药浴和太极拳申遗工作中配合中国有关部门开展工作,取得了成效;是国际标准化组织(ISO)A级联络单位,通过世界中联向ISO申报国际标准25项;今年,世界中联获得了联合国经社理事会(ECOSOC) “特别咨商地位”,与联合国沟通增强。中医药参与全球卫生治理进一步深化。 中医药在常见病、多发病、疑难杂症的防治中具有优势作用,尤其是2020年新冠肺炎疫情以来,中医药全程深度参与疫情防控救治,中西医协同、优势互补的中国治疗方案为世界抗疫提供经验,中医药疗效得到世界卫生组织肯定,引起国际社会广泛关注。世界中联及时向全球发出倡议,号召全体会员和分支机构积极主动参与全球抗疫,在社区防控、阻碍疫情蔓延等方面发挥了重要作用。但是,中医药的国际发展仍面临许多困难和问题。中医药在世界各地的发展不均衡 ,传播的广度和深度还不够。中医药国际传播与发展在人才、技术、标准、疗效等方面工作还有待加强。中医药产业国际发展相对缓慢,与各国的法律法规、准入标准有待进一步衔接。中医药在各国合法地位尚需进一步确立,纳入医疗保险体系需要不断推进,文化认同和政治环境认同有待提升。二、指导思想、基本原则和发展目标(一)指导思想顺应全球经济社会发展趋势,适应人类健康发展需求,以“健康全覆盖”、“人人享有中医药”为目标。以增进各国民众健康福祉为出发点。坚持发展、服务、包容、务实的理念;坚持把促进和推动中医药在国际上更广泛传播与发展作为根本宗旨;坚持把中医药工作融入各国发展大局作为根本遵循;坚持把为全球会员提供优质高效的中医药服务作为工作的根本目的;坚持把不断继承创新,推进高质量发展作为根本动力。为服务全球经济社会发展,满足和增进人类健康,构建人类卫生健康共同体做出更大贡献。(二)基本原则坚持宗旨使命。 将推动中医药国际传播与发展作为立足之本,存在之源。以服务全球民众健康需求为出发点和落脚点,坚持中医药惠及全球人类健康。坚持传承创新。 以传承为基,创新为翼,筑牢发展根基,充分利用现代科学技术和方法,推动中医药高质量发展,为中医药走向世界作出重要贡献。坚持合作共赢。 发挥国际组织优势,实施更大范围、更宽领域、更深层次的开放合作,形成联动、多元投入、多边合作的国际中医药发展格局,实现共同发展。坚持有所作为。 抓住机遇,求真务实,真抓实干,积极作为,聚焦中医疗效等关键核心领域,实现突破性进展,增进人人健康,让各国人民共享中医药发展的成果。(三)发展目标 到2025年,与国际组织合作更加紧密,更加深入参与全球卫生治理;中医药国际传播发展更广泛、更高质量;为全球提供更加优质便捷的中医药服务;打造高级别学术交流平台,学术引领作用显著增强;国际标准化工作不断推进;国际中医药教育规模持续扩大,质量不断提高;国际科研合作进一步加强;中医药知识在世界各地更广泛普及;中医药服务贸易快速发展,产业发展更均衡;中医药在更多国家和地区获得合法地位,被更多国家和地区纳入主流医疗服务体系和保险体系,对人类健康的贡献进一步加强。未来五年,世界中联将构建一流的中医药国际学术组织,建设一流的工作团队,创造一流的工作和服务,成为一个引领中医药国际化发展影响力最大的国际组织。三、重点任务(一)参与全球卫生治理,构建人类卫生健康共同体始终坚持把世界中联的工作融入国际中医药发展大局作为根本遵循,坚定维护人类健康的崇高理想,深耕国际组织间合作,拓展国际关系,参与全球卫生治理,进一步发挥中医药在维护人类健康的重要作用。深化与WHO、UNESCO、ISO、ECOSOC等国际组织沟通与合作,继续推进与WHO合作规划的落实与更新,积极参与全球抗疫工作,协助制定传统医学战略,加强在国际会议、规范、指南以及公益活动等方面的交流合作。鼓励各团体会员加强与所在国政府的沟通合作,发挥非政府组织在国际事务中的作用,提供中医药相关的咨询服务,协助各地开展公共卫生、医疗健康等社会工作,为构建人类卫生健康共同体做贡献。(二)扩大全球传播范围,让世界共享中医药坚持以促进和推动中医药在国际上更广泛传播与高质量国际化发展为宗旨,坚定人人享有中医药的远大目标。未来五年,团体会员覆盖的国家和地区达到80个,团体会员新增至300个。鼓励分支机构和团体会员运用新技术提升中医药信息化建设水平,发挥网络优势,加强国际传播。充分调动团体会员和分支机构的积极性,团结全球有志于人类健康事业的各界同仁,开展更高质量的国际交流与合作,进一步拓展中医药国际发展的广度与深度。(三)提供优质中医药服务,惠及人类健康始终将临床疗效作为中医药国际传播发展的核心价值,优化中医药国际服务能力,让中医药更好地惠及人类健康。鼓励团体会员、分支机构与各国中医医疗机构广泛合作,搭建海外中医药医疗机构交流平台,针对慢性病、功能性疾病、疼痛等中医药优势病种,推广中医适宜技术,进一步提高临床诊疗能力。同时,组织国际中医药专家团队,适时开展远程中医医疗咨询与会诊,为各国民众提供优质、便捷的中医药健康服务。(四)充分发挥学术引领作用,打造高级别会议平台“三级会议平台”是世界中联推动中医药学术发展的重要抓手。要进一步开展高质量国际学术交流活动,提升世界中医药大会和夏季峰会等品牌会议的影响力。依托政府平台优势,打造3-5个区域会议新品牌。关注全球卫生健康热点与疾病防控形势,举办专题国际会议。利用互联网技术,进一步创新后疫情时代会议模式。鼓励各分支机构和团体会员办好学术年会,提升学术内涵,扩大国际交流范围,开展更高质量的国际学术活动。(五)加强标准化建设,推进中医药高质量发展标准是中医药国际交流合作的“通用语言”。充分发挥世界中联国际标准化平台的桥梁和纽带作用,到2025年各类中医药标准发布增至150部,其中国际组织标准增至100部,促进国际组织标准采标与推广应用,完善中医药国际标准化专家库建设,打造一支精通国际标准研制的专业化人才队伍,完成国际组织标准制修订工作全流程信息化建设。继续发挥国际标准化组织中医药技术委员会(ISO/TC249)A级联络组织的作用,积极参与国际标准化活动,加强专业术语等标准项目的推荐申报,不断提升中医药国际标准的影响力和公信力,推进中医药国际高质量发展进程。(六)加强国际人才培养,提高人才素质鼓励团体会员和分支机构开展国际中医药在线教育,着力推广中医药适宜技术。开展国际中医药名家传承、巡讲等各类人才交流和培训项目,协助建立世界中医传承工作站。研究完善世界中联国际中医药人才培养与评价体系、培训服务体系和人才管理制度,利用信息技术,建设国际中医药人才资源数据库。规范开展国际中医药专业技术职称水平考试,探索与国际相关认证机构合作的国际中医药专业技术职称水平考试新模式。力争在五年内扩展2-3个中医药新专业,探索1-2个大健康领域新科目,建立3-5个不同内容、模式的合作中心,强化国际中医药专业测评长效机制。提升国际中医药人员的理论水平与临床能力,提高全球中医药机构及中医药人员的整体素质和执业水平。(七)加强科研合作,推进传承创新鼓励团体会员、分支机构与各国高水平的研究机构、企业开展中医药科研国际合作,构建国际中医药临床科研协作体系,开展中医药有效性与安全性的循证研究,推进各国中医药学术传承研究,产出一批服务于临床和产业发展的科研成果,推动中医药科技创新。积极发挥知识产权在国际交流合作中的作用,塑造中医药商标品牌良好形象,推动中医药传统知识保护与现代知识产权制度有效衔接,建设世界中联中医药智力成果评价体系和保护平台,促进高质量成果的生产与转化。继续提高学术期刊影响因子与发行范围,到2025年,《世界中医药杂志》中文刊力争进入中文核心,英文刊进入SCI,海外文版增加至11种,助力中医药传承创新。(八)科学普及中医药知识,讲好“中医药故事”传播普及中医药知识,讲好“中医药故事”。深入挖掘中医药文化精髓,策划组织“中医药多语种数字化文化传播项目”,推出30种高品质中医药文化多载体产品;向全球推荐30种英文版或中英版优秀中医药文化图书;继续做好“世界中医药日”和“世界传统医药日”等庆典活动,举办中医药文化旅游等交流活动。继续推进与UNESCO的沟通与联络,推动中医药项目进入各级非遗保护名录,推进中医药项目世界申遗工作,提升中医药影响力。(九)扩大国际贸易,促进中医药产业发展鼓励团体会员和分支机构加强同各国政府在贸易方面的交流与合作,充分利用海外资源,建立健全中医药国际服务贸易相关工作机制和规范,构建、完善全球中医药产品供应链和质量追溯体系,促进中医药服务贸易在各国健康有序发展,争取更多国家开放中医药服务贸易市场。打造3-5个世界中联海外中医药中心,培养中医药服务贸易相关领域人才,完善国际间人才流动、劳务派遣等服务,为跨境医疗和健康旅游等服务提供支持。支持团体会员和分支机构与企业加强合作,吸引海内外市场投资中医药服务和产品贸易,促进高质量、可追溯的道地中药材和中药饮片国际贸易,打造好世界道地中药材电子交易服务平台,促进中医药国际产业高质量发展。(十)推动全球中医药立法,提供政策保障鼓励团体会员和分支机构坚持推动各国中医药立法进程,立足当地需求,积极参与包括中医药在内的传统医药相关法规制度体系完善工作,建立符合各国国情和保障中医医疗服务的管理制度。总结包括中医药在内的传统医药立法及法律保障实施机制的成功经验,为各国家和地区制定中医药相关政策提供支持,推动中医药在全球的合法化进程,促进中医药在世界各国的规范发展。四、保障措施(一)加强组织建设,凝聚发展力量进一步巩固完善组织建设,进一步优化国际组织工作机制,完善治理体系和治理结构建设,不断提升治理能力。全面加强人才队伍建设,提升团队效能。进一步深化服务会员的宗旨意识,发挥组织协调作用,支持团体会员更好地获得所在国政府支持,健全工作协同机制,协作配合。形成共同推进规划实施的合力,确保规划任务扎实推进。(二)加强政策保障,营造良好氛围各团体会员要以所在国法律法规为依据,强化与政府和相关部门沟通联络,争取获得政府支持和政策扶持,为中医药国际传播奠定良好的发展氛围。各团体会员、分支机构、秘书处和各业务部门,制定更加具体的五年发展规划实施方案,将规划相关任务落到实处。设置五年规划专项资金,用于支持落实规划的创新实践,确保规划任务的实现。(三)夯实制度基础,提供支撑保障坚持以章程为根本遵循,建立健全制度体系机制,持续推进治理体系和治理结构建设,不断提升治理能力。引领团体会员和分支机构广泛参与,完善共治共享制度。加强规范化建设,更好履行组织、宣传、凝聚、服务会员职责。促进交流,分享经验,更好地发挥理事会成员示范带头作用。建立重点任务分工实施机制和规划中期(定期)评估制度。用完备的管理制度激发活力,为规划任务完成保驾护航。(四)加强文化建设,打造核心价值坚持人类卫生健康共同体理念,凝聚力量,充分发挥中医药在维护健康、促进民生、密切人文交流等方面的独特作用。逐步形成一套以“忠诚担当、团结合作、学习创新、实干奉献”为核心的价值理念,打造形成世界中联“三个一流”国际组织,引领各业务领域发展,形成品牌效应,推动中医药国际传播与发展。当前和今后一个时期,中医药的国际发展处于重要战略机遇期。新一轮科技革命和产业变革将带来新的国际格局变化,人类卫生健康共同体理念将日益深入人心。我们要深刻认识这些变化带来的新特征、新要求,深刻认识错综复杂的国际环境带来的新挑战,善于在危机中育先机,于变局中开新局,抓住机遇,应对挑战,发扬中医药人大医精诚、厚德济生的精神,不忘初心,秉持宗旨使命,以更高水平走向世界,为人类健康作出更大贡献。

World Federation of Chinese MedicineSocieties Five-Year Development Plan


Traditional Chinesemedicine (TCM), the treasure of Chinese civilization, contains severalmillennia of Chinese health concepts and practical experience. It has not onlymade remarkable contributions to the China’s prosperity, but also had apositive impact on the progress of world civilization. At present, though humanbeings have made great progress in social development, mankind's health isfacing numerous effects, and health issues are still a global challenge. Inresponding to public health emergencies, TCM actively participated, constantlygave full play to its characteristic advantages and won internationalrecognition. This plan is formulated to promote the revitalization anddevelopment of TCM. It will make greater contributions to the promotion ofhuman health and the improvement of global health governance, so that torealize the beautiful vision of health for all.

1. Background ofthe Plan

Currently, TCM has spreadto 196 countries and regions. The number of people who have received Chinesemedicinal, acupuncture, tui na or qigong treatment is more thanone-third of the world's total population. Accordingto statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), 113 Member States have endorsed the application ofacupuncture, 29 countries have establishedrelevant laws and regulations, 20 countries have integrated acupuncture intotheir health insurance systems and some countries’ health insurance systemscover other TCM therapies. More than 80,000 TCM medical institutions have beenestablished overseas, and various types of TCM practitioners reach about300,000. TCM has been registered in the form of drugs in Russia, Cuba,Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and the Philippines.

1.1 Further Improvement on Organizational Development

The World Federation of ChineseMedicine Societies (hereinafter referred to as “WFCMS”), under the leadershipof its Council and Supervisory Board, has improved its organizational buildingsystem. The team has grown continuously, absorbing 277 group members of 72countries and regions around the world, and established 204 branches of variousTCM disciplines. It has become the largest in scale, the most influential and authoritative international academic organizationof TCM.

1.2 Further Enhancement on Academic Leading

WFCMS has built a three-level academic conference platform based on World Congress of Chinese Medicine and Summer Summit ofWCCM, Five Continents Regional Forums and Branch Academic Conferences and hasformed the brand effect of international conferences, which further expandedthe academic exchanges among the international community. The annualconferences have covered more than 60 countries and regions for thousands ofTCM people to exchange experiences and demonstrate technologies. Especially,the academician-level summit forum held during the COVID-19 pandemic receivedwide social attention.

1.3 FurtherStrengthening the Talents Cultivation  

Talents are the executorsto realize the international development of TCM. WFCMS has always taken talentscultivation as the basic project of TCM inheritance and innovation. It haspromoted its members to establish various TCM education and traininginstitutions around the world, organized the formulation and release ofrelevant education standards and talent management standards. It has also carriedout international training, level examination and professional title evaluation,finally forming an international TCM professional and technical title frameworkand international training system. So far, more than 5,000 TCM professionaltechnicians from more than 40 countries have taken the proficiency tests. Nearly200 people from 27 countries and regions have obtained senior technical titles.

1.4 Standardization Construction Achieving Results

By 2020, WFCMS hasdeveloped and published more than 100 various types of TCM standards, including70 standards for international organizations, covering basic terminology,talents, education, medical treatment, scientific research and so on. After therelease of the International Standard for the Chinese and EnglishTerminology of Basic TCM Terms, it has been signed and adopted by industrybodies in 95 countries. The International Standard for the Chinese andFrench Terminology of Basic TCM Terms has been endorsed by the FrenchNational Agency for the Inspection of Medicines and Food and the NationalHospital Headquarters in Paris. After the publication of the World Standardfor Undergraduate (Pre-CMD) TCM Education, some TCM schools in New Zealand,Australia, Vietnam and Malaysia have indicated that they will refer to therequirements of the standard.

1.5 Scientific Research Achieving Progress

The scientific principlesof TCM acupuncture, AIDS treatment, the extraction and quality testing ofactive ingredients in Chinese medicinal, and the development of new products inTCM have become the targets of major international scientific and technologicalinnovations. When Tu Youyou was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology orMedicine in 2015, the International Classification of Diseases, Eleventh Revision (ICD-11, revised version) first including a chapter on traditional medicine including TCM, theinternational scientific research level of TCM is increasing with each passingday. According to the statistics, as many as 8,500 SCI-indexed journal paperson TCM are published globally every year. The core competitiveness of TCMcontinues to grow, reflecting the role of TCM in the development of worldmedicine. The Journal of World Chinese Medicine, created by WFCMS, iscurrently distributed in multiple languages in more than 60 countries and 90embassies worldwide. The official website of WFCMS and various media numbersprovide the most cutting-edge information at home and abroad with nearly 1,000news reports every year.

1.6 Gradual Development of Trade in TCM Services

TheTCM Big-health industry scale alone of China hasexceeded RMB 3 trillion in 2020. The big-health industry is recognized as oneof the largest industries in the world. WFCMS has successfully held fourinternational TCM big-health fairs, with more than 6,000 exhibitors from homeand abroad, covering more than 50 countries and regions. In addition, three TCMinternational health tourism development forums and one international healthtourism summit forum were held at the China International Fair for Trade in Services.WFCMS carried out the “Belt and Road, People-to-people World tour of TCM” tobuild an international TCM health tourism service platform. It also built theChina-France TCM Center (Seine) and promoting the development of TCM in Europe.

1.7 Worldwide Attention on TCM Culture

Currently, TCM acupuncture,taijiquan and Tibetan medicinal baths are included in the UNESCORepresentative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Huangdi'sInternal Classic and the Compendium of Materia Medica are selected tothe Memory of the World Register. The Rome Declaration, which published tothe world by WFCMS in 2018, determines October 11 as the “World ChineseMedicine Day”. It reflects the worldwide trend of attaching importance to anddeveloping TCM, and reflects the common voice of TCM practitioners around theworld. TCM culture has gradually become a new trend international popularity.

1.8 Further Enhancing theCooperation with International Organizations

As a formal non-governmental organization setting working relationship member of the World Health Organization(WHO), WFCMS regularly participates in the World Health Assembly, the workingand regional meetings of the WHO Executive Committee. It is the advisory bodyfor the protection of intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO, and the onlyrepresentative TCM sector. WFCMS has cooperated with the relevant nationaldepartments in the application for the inscription of Tibetan medicinal bathsand taijiquan which achieved results. It is the class-A liaison unit ofthe International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and has declared 25international standards to ISO. WFCMS has been granted “special consultativestatus” by the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and has enhanced itscommunication with the United Nations.

1.9 Further Deepening the Participationof TCM Medical Care in Global Health Governance

TCM has an advantageous effectin the prevention and treatment of common diseases, multi-morbidities anddifficult diseases. Especially, since the COVID-19 pandemic 2020, TCM has beendeeply participated in the prevention, control and treatment of the epidemicthroughout the whole course. The Chinese treatment plan, with synergycomplementary advantages of TCM and western medicine, has provided experiencefor the world to fight the pandemic. The efficacy of TCM has been affirmed byWHO and has aroused wide attention from the world community. WFCMS issued atimely initiative to the world, calling on all members and branches toproactively participate in the global anti-epidemic, has played an importantrole in community prevention and control, and impediment of epidemic spreading.

However, the internationaldevelopment of TCM still faces many difficulties and problems. The development of TCM around the world is uneven, and the breadth anddepth of its spreading are not sufficient. The internationalcommunication and development of TCM needs to be strengthened in terms oftalents, technology, standards, and curative effects. The international developmentof the TCM industry is relatively slow, and it needs to be further connectedwith the laws, regulations and access standards of various countries. The legalstatus of TCM in various countries needs to be further developed, itsintegration into the medical insurance system needs to be continuouslypromoted, and its cultural identity and political environment identity need tobe improved.

2. Guiding Ideologies, Basic Principles and Development Goals

2.1 Guiding Ideologies

We should conform to the trendof global economic and social development, adapt to the needs of human healthdevelopment, and aim at “full coverage of health” and “TCM for all”. Thestarting point is to improve the health and well-being of people in allcountries. We would adhere to the concepts of development, service, inclusivenessand pragmatism, adhere to the fundamental purpose of promoting wider communicationand development of TCM in the world,  adhere to the fundamental principle of theintegration of the TCM work into the overall development of various countries,adhere to the fundamental purpose of providing high-quality and efficient TCMservices to global members, and adhere to the fundamental driving force of continuousinheritance, innovation, and promoting high-quality development. We should makegreater contributions to serving global economic and social development,satisfying and improving human health, and building a human health community.

2.2 Basic Principles

2.2.1Adherence to Aims and Missions

We would take promoting theinternational communication and development of TCM as the foundation offoothold and source of existence. We would take serving the health requirementof the global public as the beginning and the end, and adhere to TCM benefitingglobal human health.

2.2.2Adherence to Inheritance and Innovation

With heritage as thefoundation and innovation as the wings, we would build a firm foundation fordevelopment, and make full use of modern science and technology and methods to promotehigh-quality development of TCM, so as to make an important contribution to thepromotion of TCM to the world.

2.2.3Adherence to Win-win Cooperation

We must make use of theadvantages of international organizations to implement greater scope, widerfields and deeper levels of opening cooperation. We would form an internationalTCM development pattern featuring linkage, diversified investment andmultilateral cooperation to achieve common development.

2.2.4Adherence to Making Differences

We would seize theopportunity, seek truth and be pragmatic, work hard, take active actions, focuson core areas such as the effectiveness of TCM, achieve breakthroughs, andimprove everyone’s health, so that people from all countries can share thefruits of TCM development.

2.3 Development Goals 

By 2025, WFCMS willcooperate more closely with international organizations and participate moredeeply in global health governance. The development of internationalcommunication of TCM will be more extensive and higher quality. Morehigh-quality and convenient TCM services for the world will be provided. Ahigh-level academic exchange platform will be built and significantly academicleadership will be enhanced. WFCMS will continuously promote internationalstandardization, further expand the scale and quality of international TCMeducation and further strengthen international cooperation in scientificresearch. TCM knowledge will be spread more widely around the world. TCMservice trade will develop rapidly and the industrial development will be more balanced.TCM will gain legal status and be incorporated into the mainstream medicalservice system and insurance system in more countries and regions, so as tofurther strength its contribution to human beings.

In the next five years, WFCMSwill build a first-class international academic organization of TCM, build afirst-class work team, develop first-class work and services, and become aninternational organization with the greatest influence in leading theinternational development of TCM.

3. Major Tasks

3.1 Participating in Global Health Governance and Buildinga Hygiene and Health Community of Human Beings

We must always integratethe work of the WFCMS into the overall development of international TCM as afundamental guideline. We would firmly uphold the noble ideal of safeguardinghuman health, deepen cooperation among international organizations, expandinternational relations, participate in global health governance, and furtherbring into play the important role of TCM in safeguarding human health. The communicationand cooperation with the United Nations, WHO, UNESCO, ISO and otherinternational organizations wouldbe deepened, to promote the implementation and update of the cooperation plan with WHO.We would actively participate in global anti-epidemic work, assist in theformulation of traditional medicine strategies, and strengthen exchanges andcooperation in international conferences, norms, guidelines and public welfareactivities. We would encourage group members and branches to strengthen communicationand cooperation with governments and play the role of NGOs in internationalaffairs. We would provide consulting services related to TCM, assist in developingpublic hygiene, medical and health care and other social work in variousregions, and contribute to the building of a human hygiene and healthcommunity.

3.2 Expanding the Scope of Global TCM Spreading andBringing TCM to the World

We must keep the aim ofpromoting and facilitating the wider spreading and high-quality internationaldevelopment of TCM, and firmly set the ambitious goal of TCM for all. In thenext five years, the number of countries and regions covered by group memberswill reach to 80, and the number of group members will be increased to 300. Wewould encourage branches and group members to use new technologies to improvethe level of TCM information construction, take advantage of the network andstrengthen international spreading. We would fully mobilize the enthusiasm ofgroup members and branches, unite colleagues from all walks of life around theworld who are interested in the cause of human health, carry out higher qualityinternational exchanges and cooperation, and further expand the breadth anddepth of the TCM international development.

3.3 Providing High-quality TCM Services to Benefit HumanHealth

We would always regardclinical efficacy as the core value of TCM spreading and development, optimizethe international service capacity of TCM, and make TCM better benefit humanhealth. We would encourage group members and branches to cooperate extensivelywith TCM medical institutions in various countries and build an exchangeplatform for overseas TCM medical institutions. We would promote TCMappropriate technologies for chronic diseases, functional diseases, pain andother TCM advantageous diseases, and further improve clinical treatmentcapabilities. At the same time, we would organize teams of international TCMexperts to carry out remote TCM medical consultation and consultation in duecourse, so as to provide high-quality and convenient health services of TCM topeople worldwide.

3.4 Giving Full Play to the Role of Academic Leadershipand Building a Platform for High-level Conferences

The “three-tier conferenceplatform” is an important tool for WFCMS to promote the development of TCM. Weshould further develop high-quality international academic exchange activitiesand enhance the influence of conference brands such as the World Congress ofTCM and the Summer Summit. Relying on the advantages of government platforms, wewould develop three to five new brands of regional conferences. We would focuson global health hotspots and disease prevention and control situations, andorganize thematic international conferences. We would make use of Internettechnology to further innovate conference models in the post-epidemic era. Wewill encourage branches and group members to hold annual academic conferences,enhance academic connotations, expand the scope of international exchanges, andcarry out higher quality international academic activities.

3.5 Strengthening Standardization Construction and Promotingthe High-quality Development of TCM

Standards are the“universal language” of international academic exchange and scientific andtechnological communication. We will give full play to the role of theinternational standardization platform of WFCMS as a bridge and link. We will increasethe number of various TCM standards issued to 150 by 2025, including the numberof international organization standards to 100. We would promote the adoptionand application of international organization standards, improve theconstruction of the international standardization expert database of TCM, builda professional talent team proficient in the development of internationalstandards, and complete international organizations of the whole process ofstandard revision work. We must continue to play the role of the ISO/TC249A-level liaison organization, actively participate in internationalstandardization activities, strengthen the recommendation and declaration ofprofessional terminology and other standard projects. Continuously enhance theinfluence and credibility of international standards in TCM, and promote theprocess of TCM high-quality development.

3.6 Strengthening International Talents Cultivationand Improving the Quality

We would encourage groupmembers and branches to carry out international online education in TCM, focuson promoting appropriate techniques in TCM and explore research and creation ofnew occupations in TCM. We will carry out various talent exchange and trainingprograms such as international heritage and lecture tours of TCM master, andassist in the establishment of the World TCM Heritage Workstation. We will researchand improve WFCMS international TCM talents cultivation and evaluation system,training service system and talent management system, and take advantages ofinformation technology to build a database of basic resources for internationalTCM talent flow and promotion. We would standardize the development ofinternational TCM professional and technical proficiency tests and explore newmodels of international TCM professional and technical proficiency tests incooperation with relevant international certification bodies. Within five years,we will strive to expand 2-3 new TCM professions, explore 1-2 new subjects inthe field of one-health, establish 3-5 cooperation centres with differentcontents and modes, and strengthen the long-term mechanism of international TCMprofessional assessment. We will improve the theoretical and clinicalcompetence of practitioners, and enhance the overall quality and practice levelof TCM institutions and practitioners worldwide.

3.7 Strengthening Scientific Research Cooperationand Promoting Heritage Innovation

We would encourage group members and branches to carry out internationalcooperation in TCM scientific research with high-level research institutionsand enterprises in various countries and build an international TCM clinicalscientific research collaboration system. We will carry out evidence-basedresearch on the effectiveness and safety of TCM. Promote research on theacademic heritage of TCM in various countries, produce a number of scientificresearch results that serve clinical and industrial development, and promoteTCM scientific and technological innovation. We would actively play the role ofintellectual property rights in international exchange and cooperation. Build agood image of the trademark brand of TCM, promote the effective connectionbetween the protection of traditional knowledge of TCM and the modernintellectual property rights system. We will build an evaluation system andprotection platform for the intellectual achievements of TCM of the WFCMS, andpromote the production and transformation of high-quality achievements. We willcontinue to improve the impact factor and distribution range of learnedperiodicals. By 2025, the Chinese journal of the World Journal ofTraditional Chinese Medicine will strive to enter the Chinese kerneljournals, the English journal will enter SCI, and the number of overseaslanguage editions will increase to 11, so as to promote the inheritance andinnovation of TCM.

3.8 Scientifically Popularizing TCM Knowledge and Tellingthe “Story of TCM”

We will spread and popularizecorrect knowledge of TCM and tell the “story of TCM”. We would continue toexplore the essence of TCM culture, plan and organize the “TCM MultilingualDigital Culture Spreading Project”, and launch 30 high-quality TCM culturemulti-carrier products. We will recommend 30 excellent TCM culture books inEnglish or Chinese-English to the world, continue to celebrate “World ChineseMedicine Day" and "World Traditional Medicine Day”, etc., andorganize TCM cultural tourism and other exchange activities. We would keeppromoting communication and liaison with UNESCO, the entry of TCM projects intothe list of non-patrimonial heritage at each level and the world inscription ofTCM projects, so as to enhance the influence of TCM.

3.9 Expanding International TCM Trade and Promotingthe Development of TCM Industries

We would encourage groupmembers and branches to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with governmentsin trade. We would make full use of overseas resources, establishing and improvingworking mechanisms and norms related to international trade in TCM services. Wewould build and improve global digital supply chains for TCM and traceabilitysystems for TCM to promote the healthy and orderly development of trade in TCMservices worldwide. We must strive for more countries to open their markets fortrade in TCM services. We will build 3-5 overseas TCM centers of WFCMS, cultivatetalents in TCM service trade-related fields, improve the international flow oftalents and labor dispatch services, and provide support for cross-bordermedical and health tourism and other services. We support group members andbranches to strengthen cooperation with enterprises, to attract overseas anddomestic markets to invest in TCM services and product trade. We would promoteinternational trade in high-quality, traceable authentic Chinese medicinals andChinese medicinal decoction pieces and create a good electronic trading serviceplatform for the world's authentic Chinese medicinals to promote high-qualitydevelopment of the international TCM industry.

3.10 Promoting Global TCM Legislation and ProvidingPolicy Guarantee

We would encourage groupmembers and branches to keep on promoting the legislative process of TCM worldwide,combining it with local requirements. We would actively participate in the workof improving the system of laws and regulations systems related to TCM andother traditional medicines, and establish a management system that meets thenational conditions of each country and protects TCM medical services. We mustsummarize the successful experience in the implementation mechanism oflegislation and legal protection of TCM and other traditional medicines toprovide support for the formulation of policies related to TCM in variouscountries and regions, to promote the legalization process of TCM in the world,and to promote the standardized development of TCM around the world.

4. EnsureImplementation Measures

4.1 Strengthening OrganizationalConstruction and Gather Development Forces

We would furtherconsolidate and improve organizational construction, further optimize theworking mechanism of international organizations, improve the construction ofgovernance system and governance structure, and continuously enhance governancecapacity. We must comprehensively strengthen the construction of the talentteam and enhance team potency. We would further deepen the awareness of servinggroup members, play the role of organization and coordination, support groupmembers to better obtain the support of host governments, and improve the worksynergy mechanism and collaboration. We must form a joint effort to promote theimplementation of the plan and ensure the solid advancement of the planningtasks.

4.2 Strengthening Policy Protection andCreating a Favorable Atmosphere

Each groupmember should strengthen communication and liaison with the government andrelevant departments based on the laws and regulations of the country where itis located. We would strive to obtain government support and policyinclination, so as to lay a good development atmosphere for the international spreadingof TCM. All group members, branches, secretariats and business departmentsshould formulate more specific implementation plans for the five-yeardevelopment plan and put the tasks related to the plan into practice. We wouldset up special funds for the five-year plan to support innovative practices inimplementing the plan and ensure the realization of the plan tasks.

4.3 Consolidating the Institutional Basisand Providing Support Guarantee

We must adhereto the constitution as the fundamental guideline, establish a perfectinstitutional system mechanism, continuously promote the construction of thegovernance system and governance structure, and continuously improve thegovernance capacity. We would lead group members and branches to participateextensively, and improve the system of common governance and sharing. We wouldstrengthen the normative construction to better perform the duties oforganizing, promoting, uniting and serving member groups. We must promoteexchanges, experiences sharing to better exemplify the leading role of Councilmembers. We would establish a mechanism for the division of major tasks andimplementation and a mid-term (regular) evaluation system for planning. We wouldstimulate vitality with a complete management system to escort the completionof planning tasks.

4.4 Strengthening Culture Construction andCreate Core Values

We must adhereto the concept of human hygiene and health community, pool ourstrength and give full play to the unique role of TCM in maintaining health,promoting people's livelihood and facilitating humanistic exchanges. We willgradually form a set of values with “loyalty and duty, unity and cooperation,learning and innovation, practical work and dedication” as the core value conceptand create a “three first-class” international organization of the WFCMS. Wewould lead the development of various business fields, form a brand effect, andpromote the international spreading of TCM.

During thecurrent and future periods, the international development of TCM is at animportant stage of strategic opportunity. The new round of scientific andtechnological revolution and industrial change will bring about new changes inthe international landscape, and the concept of human hygiene and healthcommunity will become increasingly popular. We shoulddeeply understand the new features and requirements brought about by thesechanges and the new challenges brought about by the complicated internationalenvironment. We would enhance our awareness of opportunities and risks, beadept at nurturing opportunities in crises and opening up new situations inchanges. We must seize opportunities and cope with challenges, carry forwardthe spirit of TCM doctors being professional and sincere, honest and helpful topeople, and never forget why we start, uphold our mission, go globalwith a higher level, so as to make greater contributions to human health.

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